Bilkent University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Company and Student Information Form for State Contribution
For paid internships in Turkey, if the company would like to apply for State Contribution, it needs to fill the following form and send it to the address "Dean's Office - Summer Training Division, Faculty of Engineering, Bilkent University, 06800, Bilkent Ankara" after the summer training has finished. The company may send the filled form directly or via the student. This is applicable only for internships and companies in Turkey.
Company and Student Information Form for State Contribution
Summer Training Information Document
You can get the Summer Training Information Document from the following link:
Summer Training Information Document
ME299 Summer Practice Report Guidelines
ME299 Summer practice reports should be in technical report format with appropriate engineering details and all of the material (text, tables, drawings, etc.) should be written in English.
The report should include the following content:
•Information about the company, its products and the activities of the department where the internship was done.
•Information about the manufacturing tools and processes used in the establishment.
•An analysis on the production and assembly of one or more of the mechanical parts of the product including its path in the production line and the associated manufacturing processes.
•An overview of quality control techniques used in the production line.
•An overview of the work safety procedures and explanation of the reasoning.
•A general assessment of the internship from the student’s point of view including the fundamental engineering concepts observed during the internship which was taught in class in first and second year courses.
•Recommendations to the students who will be doing their summer practice next year at the same establishment.