• Firooz, S., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2022). "Extended general interfaces: Mori–Tanaka homogenization and average fields", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.254-255 p.111933, Full Text, DOI:
  • Ekiz, E., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2022). "From two- to three-dimensional continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics: More than just another dimension", Mechanics of Materials, v.173 p.104417, Full Text, DOI:
  • Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Javili, A. (2022). "Homogenization of size-dependent multiphysics behavior of nanostructured piezoelectric composites with energetic surfaces", European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, v.96 p.104731, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Kaessmair, K., Zaburdaev, V., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2022). "On continuum modeling of cell aggregation phenomena", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.167 p.105004, DOI:
  • Laurien, M., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2022). "A nonlocal interface approach to peridynamics exemplified by continuum‐kinematics‐inspired peridynamics", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.123 p.3464–3484, DOI:
  • Dortdivanlioglu, B., Javili, A. (2022). "Plateau Rayleigh instability of soft elastic solids. Effect of compressibility on pre and post bifurcation behavior", Extreme Mechanics Letters, v.55 p.101797, DOI:
  • Bakiler, D., Javili, A. (2022). "Wrinkling of a compressible trilayer domain under large plane deformations", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.241 p.111465, Full Text, DOI:
  • Ekiz, E., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2022). "Relationships between the material parameters of continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics and isotropic linear elasticity for two-dimensional problems", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.238 p.111366, Full Text, DOI:
  • Laurien, M., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2021). "Nonlocal wrinkling instabilities in bilayered systems using peridynamics", Computational Mechanics, v.68 p.1023-1037, Full Text, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Ekiz, E., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2021). "Continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics: Thermo-mechanical problems", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, v.33 p.2039–2063, Full Text, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Firooz, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2021). "Homogenization of Composites With Extended General Interfaces: Comprehensive Review and Unified Modeling", Applied Mechanics Reviews, v.73 p.40802, Full Text, DOI:
  • Steinmann, P., Smith, A., Birang, E., McBride, A., Javili, A. (2021). "Atomistic two-, three- and four-body potentials. Spatial and material settings", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.154 p.104507, Full Text, DOI:
  • Bakiler, D., Dortdivanlioglu, B., Javili, A. (2021). "From beams to bilayers: A unifying approach towards instabilities of compressible domains under plane deformations", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v.135 p.103752, Full Text, DOI:
  • Naji, M., Kirici, E. Y., Javili, A., Erdem, E. Y. (2021). "Describing Droplet Motion on Surface-Textured Ratchet Tracks with an Inverted Double Pendulum Model", Langmuir, v.37 p.4810--4816, Full Text, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Firooz, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2021). "Generalized interfaces via weighted averages for application to graded interphases at large deformations", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.149 p.104234, Full Text, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Mergheim, J., Steinmann, P. (2021). "Towards elasto-plastic continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.380 p.113809, Full Text, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2021). "A geometrically exact formulation of peridynamics", Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v.111 p.102850, Full Text, DOI:
  • Dortdivanlioglu, B., Javili, A. (2021). "Boundary viscoelasticity theory at finite deformations and computational implementation using isogeometric analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.374 p.113579, Full Text, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Firooz, S., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2020). "The computational framework for continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics", Computational Mechanics, v.66 p.795-824, Full Text, DOI:
  • Bakiler, A.D., Javili, A. (2020). "Bifurcation behavior of compressible elastic half-space under plane deformations", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v.126 p.103553, Full Text, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Javili, A. (2020). "Bounds on size effects in composites via homogenization accounting for general interfaces", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, v.32 p.173-206, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2019). "On effective behavior of microstructures embedding general interfaces with damage", Computational Mechanics, v.64 p.1473–1494, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Javili, A. (2019). "Homogenization accounting for size effects in particulate composites due to general interfaces", Mechanics of Materials, v.139 p.103204, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Morasata, R., Oterkus, E., Oterkus, S. (2019). "Peridynamics review", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.24 p.3714-3739, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Bakiler, A.D. (2019). "A displacement-based approach to geometric instabilities of a film on a substrate", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.24 p.2999-3023, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Saeb, A., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2019). "A systematic study on homogenization and the utility of circular simplified RVE.", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.24 p.2961-2985, DOI:
  • Javili, A. (2019). "A note on traction continuity across an interface in a geometrically non-linear framework", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.24 p.2478-2496, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2019). "Continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Mechanical problems", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.131 p.125-146, Full Text, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2019). "Designing tunable composites with general interfaces",  International Journal of Solids and Structure, v.171 p.181-188, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Javili, A. (2019). "Understanding the role of general interfaces in the overall behavior of particulate composites and size effects", Computational Materials Science, v.162 p.245-254, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Meraghni, F. (2019). "Micromechanical method for effective piezoelectric properties and electromechanical fields in multi-coated long fiber composites", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.159 p.21-39, DOI:
  • Valizadeh, I., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Growth-induced instabilities of an elastic film on a viscoelastic substrate: Analytical solution and computational approach via eigenvalue analysis", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v.13(4) p.571-585, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Surface plasticity: theory and computation", Computational Mechanics, v.62 p.617-634, DOI:
  • Javili, A. (2018). "Variational formulation of general imperfect interfaces for finite deformation elasticity", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.23 p.1303-1322, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Ottosen, N., Ristinmaa, M., Mosler, J. (2018). "Aspects of interface elasticity theory", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.23(7) p.1004-1024, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Bounds on size-dependent behaviour of composites", Philosophical Magazine, v.98 p.437-463, DOI:
  • Zabihyana, R., Mergheim, J., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2018). "Aspects of computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics: boundary conditions, RVE size and microstructure composition", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.130-131 p.105--121, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2017). "Highly-conductive energetic coherent interfaces subject to in-plane degradation", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.22(8) p.1696-1716, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Javili, A. (2017). "Generalized interfacial energy and size effects in composites", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.106 p.257-282, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2017). "Non-coherent energetic interfaces accounting for degradation", Computational Mechanics, v.59 p.361-383, DOI:
  • Dortdivanlioglu, B., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2017). "Computational aspects of morphological instabilities using isogeometric analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.316 p.261-279, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2017). "Coupled thermally general imperfect and mechanically coherent energetic interfaces subject to in-plane degradation", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v.12 p.289-312, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Saeb, S., Steinmann, P. (2017). "Aspects of implementing constant traction boundary conditions in computational homogenization via semi-Dirichlet boundary conditions", Computational Mechanics, v.59 p.21-35, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Mosler, J. (2017). "Micro-to-macro transition accounting for general imperfect interfaces", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.317 p.274-317, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2016). "Coherent energetic interfaces accounting for in-plane degradation", International Journal of Fracture, v.202 p.135-165, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2016). "Aspects of computational homogenization at finite deformations. A unifying review from Reuss' to Voigt's bound", Applied Mechanics Reviews, v.68 p.050801, DOI:
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Weickenmeier, J., Kuhl, E., Linder, C. (2016). "Tri-layer wrinkling as a mechanism for anchoring center initiation in the developing cerebellum", Soft Matter, v.12 p.5613, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2016). "A thermo-mechanical cohesive zone model accounting for mechanically energetic Kapitza interfaces", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.92-93 p.29-44, DOI:
  • Eskandari, M., Javili, A., Kuhl, E. (2016). "Elastosis during airway wall remodeling explains multiple co-existing instability patterns", Journal of Theoretical Biology, v.403 p.209-218, DOI:
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2016). "An algorithmic approach to multi-layer wrinkling", Extreme Mechanics Letters, v.7 p.10-17, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Gottschalk, D., Reddy, B., Wriggers, P., Javili, A. (2016). "Computational and theoretical aspects of a grain-boundary model at finite deformations", Technische Mechanik, v.36 p.92-109
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2016). "Understanding geometric instabilities in thin films via a multi-layer model", Soft Matter, v.12 p.806, DOI:
  • Gottschalk, D., McBride, A., Reddy, B., Javili, A., Wriggers, P., Hirschberger, C. (2016). "Computational and theoretical aspects of a grain-boundary model that accounts for grain misorientation and grain-boundary orientation", Computational Materials Science, v.111 p.443-459, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Interface properties influence the effective dielectric constant of composites", Philosophical Magazine, v.95 p.3402-3412, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Chatzigeorgiou, G., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Linder, C. (2015). "Computational homogenization of nano-materials accounting for size effects via surface elasticity", GAMM Mitteilungen, v.38 p.285-312, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Multiscale modelling for composites with energetic interfaces at the micro- or nanoscale", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.20 p.1130-1145, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Dortdivanlioglu, B., Kuhl, E., Linder, C. (2015). "Computational aspects of growth-induced instabilities through eigenvalue analysis", Computational Mechanics, v.56 p.405-420, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Surface magneto-elasticity theory", Archives of Applied Mechanics, v.85 p.1265-1288, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Reddy, B. (2014). "A unified computational framework for bulk and surface elasticity theory: A curvilinear-coordinate-based finite element methodology", Computational Mechanics, v.54 p.745-762, DOI:
  • Kaessmair, S., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Thermomechanics of solids with general imperfect coherent interfaces", Archives of Applied Mechanics, v.84 p.1409-1426, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Kaessmair, S., Steinmann, P. (2014). "General imperfect interfaces", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.275 p.76-97, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Unified magnetomechanical homogenization framework with application to magnetorheological elastomers", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.19 p.194-212, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Surface electrostatics - theory and computations", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, v.470 p.20130628, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Kuhl, E. (2014). "A novel strategy to identify the critical conditions for growth-induced instabilities", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v.29 p.20-32, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.50 p.4197-4216, DOI:
  • Javili, A., dell'Isola, F., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Geometrically nonlinear higher-gradient elasticity with energetic boundaries", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.61 p.2381-2401, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Mergheim, J., Steinmann, P., Schmidt, U. (2013). "Micro-to-macro transitions for continua with surface structure at the microscale", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.50 p.2561-2572, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Thermomechanics of solids with lower-dimensional energetics: A unifying review. On the Importance of surface, interface and curve structures at the nanoscale", Applied Mechanics Reviews, v.65 p.010802, DOI:
  • Davydov, D., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "On molecular static and surface-enhanced continuum modeling of nano-structures", Computational Material Science, v.69 p.510-519, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with highly conductive energetic interfaces", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.93 p.551-574, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2012). "Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with mechanically energetic (generalised) Kapitza interfaces", Computational Material Science, v.65 p.542-551, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Reddy, B. (2012). "Relationships between the admissible range of surface material parameters and stability of linearly elastic bodies", Philosophical Magazine, v.92 p.3540-3563, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Mergheim, J., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Bargmann, S. (2012). "Micro-to-macro transitions for heterogeneous material layers accounting for in-plane stretch", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.60 p.1221-1239, DOI:
  • Steinmann, P., McBride, A., Bargmann, S., Javili, A. (2012). "A deformational and configurational framework for geometrically nonlinear continuum thermomechanics coupled to diffusion", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v.47 p.215-227, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Bargmann, S. (2011). "Geometrically nonlinear continuum thermomechanics with surface energies coupled to diffusion", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.59 p.2116-2133, DOI:
  • Javili, A., and Steinmann, P. (2011). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part III: The thermomechanical case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.200 p.1963-1977, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2010). "On thermomechanical solids with boundary structures", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.47 p.3245-3253, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2010). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part II: The three-dimensional case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.199 p.755-765, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2009). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part I: The two-dimensional case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.198 p.2198-2208, DOI:
  • Peters, F., Ruppel, C., Javili, A., Kunkel, T. (2008). "The two-dimensional laminar wall jet. Velocity measurements compared with similarity theory", Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (Engineering Research), v.72 p.19-28, DOI:
  • Davydov, D., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., McBride, A. (2013). "Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics: A comparison of atomistic and surface enhanced continuum approaches at finite temperature", Springer, DOI:
  • Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2012). "IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures: Computational thermomechanics with boundary structures", Springer, DOI: