Devam Eden Proje
1. TÜBİTAK - 3501 Career Program (110M661)
2. EU FP7 People - Marie Curie Actions: CIG
3. TÜBİTAK - 1001 Program (115M678)
Isogeometric analysis is a computational mechanics technology which uses basis functions emanating from computer aided geometric design (CAGD), such as B-splines, NURBS, T-splines, subdivision surfaces, etc., instead of traditional C0-continuous Lagrange finite element interpolatory polynomials. It has been shown that isogeometric analysis provides more precise and efficient geometric representations, high accuracy combined with robustness, accurate derivatives and stresses, and the potential to integrate CAGD and analysis processes. This has opened the way to efficient and elegant solutions for various problem classes, among which computational contact mechanics is an outstanding example. We have recently initiated a systematic study of contact problems with NURBS-based isogeometric analysis for thermomechanical contact problems with and without friction through numerically robust mortar approaches. Our present efforts are concentrated towards the enhancement of mortar approaches for isogeometric analysis for various contact and interface problems.
This is a research thrust area (RTA3) of CMML. Please contact Prof. Temizer for current positions available.
- Pekol, S., Kılınç Ö., Temizer, İ. (2024). "A Computational Design Framework for Lubrication Interfaces with Active Micro-Textures", ASME Journal of Tribology, v.146 p.122101, Full Text
- Keleş, A. F., Temizer, İ., Çakmakcı, M. (2024). "Homogenization-Based Space-Time Topology Optimization of Tunable Microstructures", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, v.22 p.15-34, Full Text
- Yalçın, M. A., Temizer, İ. (2023). "Hybrid Finite Element / Multipole Expansion Method for Atomic Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory Calculations", Computer Physics Communications, v.286 p.108658, Full Text
- Mozafari, F., Temizer, İ. (2023). "Computational homogenization of fatigue in additively manufactured microlattice structures", Computational Mechanics, v.71 p.367-384, Full Text
- Karaca, K., Temizer, İ. (2023). "Variationally consistent Hellmann-Feynman forces in the finite element formulation of Kohn-Sham density functional theory", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.403 p.115674, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2021). "Radial and Three-Dimensional Nonlocal Pseudopotential Calculations in Gradient-Corrected Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory Based on Higher-Order Finite Element Methods", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.386 p.114094, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Motamarri, P., Gavini, V. (2020). "NURBS-based Non-Periodic Finite Element Framework for Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory Calculations", Journal of Computational Physics, v.410 p.109364, Full Text
- Özcan, M., Çakmakcı, M., Temizer, İ. (2020). "Smart Composites with Tunable Stress-Strain Curves", Computational Mechanics, v.65 p.375-394, Full Text
- Çakal, B.A., Temizer, İ., Terada, K., Kato, J. (2019). "Microscopic Design and Optimization of Hydrodynamically Lubricated Dissipative Interfaces", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.120 p.153-178, Full Text
- Nishi, S., Terada, K., Temizer, İ. (2019). "Isogeometric analysis for numerical plate testing of dry woven fabrics involving frictional contact at meso-scale", Computational Mechanics, v.64 p.211-229, Full Text
- Waseem, A., Guilleminot, J., Temizer, İ. (2017). "Stochastic Multiscale Analysis in Hydrodynamic Lubrication", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.112 p.1070-1093, Full Text
- Waseem, A., Temizer, İ., Kato, J., Terada, K. (2017). "Micro-Texture Design and Optimization in Hydrodynamic Lubrication via Two-Scale Analysis", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, v.56 p.227-248, Full Text
- Yıldıran, İ.N., Temizer, İ., Çetin, B. (2017). "Homogenization in Hydrodynamic Lubrication: Microscopic Regimes and Re-Entrant Textures", ASME Journal of Tribology, v.140 p.011701(1-19), Full Text
- Kılıç, K.İ., Temizer, İ. (2016). "Tuning Macroscopic Sliding Friction at Soft Contact Interfaces: Interaction of Bulk and Surface Heterogeneities", Tribology International, v.104 p.83-97, Full Text
- Waseem, A., Temizer, İ., Kato, J., Terada, K. (2016). "Homogenization-Based Design of Surface Textures in Hydrodynamic Lubrication", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.108 p.1427-1450, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Stupkiewicz, S. (2016). "Formulation of the Reynolds Equation on a Time-Dependent Lubrication Surface", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, v.472 p.20160032, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2016). "Sliding Friction Across the Scales: Thermomechanical Interactions and Dissipation Partitioning", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.89 p.126-148, Full Text
- Hesch, C., Franke, M., Dittmann, M., Temizer, İ. (2016). "Hierarchical NURBS and a higher-order phase-field approach to fracture for finite-deformation contact problems", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.301 p.242-258, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Hesch, C. (2016). "Hierarchical NURBS in Frictionless Contact", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.299 p.161-186, Full Text
- Kabacaoğlu, G., Temizer, İ. (2015). "Homogenization of Soft Interfaces in Time-Dependent Hydrodynamic Lubrication", Computational Mechanics, v.56 p.421-441, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2014). "Computational Homogenization of Soft Matter Friction: Isogeometric Framework and Elastic Boundary Layers", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.100 p.953-981, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Abdalla, M., Gürdal, Z. (2014). "An Interior Point Method for Isogeometric Contact", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.276 p.589-611, Full Text
- Dittmann, M., Franke, M., Temizer, İ., Hesch, C. (2014). "Isogeometric analysis and thermomechanical mortar contact problems", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.274 p.192-212, Full Text
- Wu, T., Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2014). "Multiscale Hydro-Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling: Application to Alkali-Silica Reaction", Computational Materials Science, v.84 p.381-395, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2014). "Multiscale Thermomechanical Contact: Computational Homogenization with Isogeometric Analysis", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.97 p.582-607, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2013). "Granular Contact Interfaces with Non-Circular Particles", Tribology International, v.67 p.229–239, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wu, T., Wriggers, P. (2013). "On the Optimality of the Window Method in Computational Homogenization", International Journal of Engineering Science, v.64 p.66-73, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2013). "A Mixed Formulation of Mortar-Based Contact with Friction", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.255 p.183-195, Full Text
- Wu, T., Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2013). "Computational Thermal Homogenization of Concrete", Cement & Concrete Composites, v.35 p.59-70, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2012). "A Mixed Formulation of Mortar-Based Frictionless Contact", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.223-224 p.173-185, Full Text
- Budt, M., Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2012). "A Computational Homogenization Framework for Soft Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication", Computational Mechanics, v.49 p.749-767, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2012). "On the Asymptotic Expansion Treatment of Two-Scale Finite Thermoelasticity.", International Journal of Engineering Science, v.53 p.74-84, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P., Hughes, T. (2012). "Three-Dimensional Mortar-Based Frictional Contact Treatment in Isogeometric Analysis with NURBS", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.209-212 p.115-128, Full Text
- De Lorenzis, L., Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P., Zavarise, G. (2011). "A large deformation frictional contact formulation using NURBS-based isogeometric analysis", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.87 p.1278-1300, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P., Hughes, T. (2011). "Contact Treatment in Isogeometric Analysis with NURBS", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.200 p.1100-1112, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2011). "An adaptive multiscale resolution strategy for the finite deformation analysis of microheterogeneous structures", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.200 p.2639-2661, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2011). "Homogenization in Finite Thermoelasticity", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.59 p.344–372, Full Text
- Temizer, İ. (2011). "Thermomechanical Contact Homogenization with Random Rough Surfaces and Microscopic Contact Resistance", Tribology International, v.44 p.114-124, Full Text
- Ma, J., Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2011). "Random homogenization analysis in linear elasticity based on analytical bounds and estimates", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.48(2) p.280-291, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2010). "A micromechanically motivated higher-order continuum formulation of linear thermal conduction", Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, v.90(10-11) p.768-782, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2010). "Thermal contact conductance characterization via computational contact homogenization: A finite deformation theory framework", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.83(1) p.24-58, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2010). "Inelastic analysis of granular interfaces via computational contact homogenization", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.84(8) p.883-915, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2008). "On a mass conservation criterion in homogenization", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, v.75 p.054503, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2008). "A multiscale contact homogenization technique for the modeling of third bodies in the contact interface", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.198(3-4) p.377-396, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2008). "On the computation of the macroscopic tangent for multiscale volumetric homogenization problems", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.198(3-4) p.495-510, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Wriggers, P. (2007). "An adaptive method for homogenization in orthotropic nonlinear elasticity", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.196(35-36) p.3409-3423, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Zohdi, T.I. (2007). "A numerical method for homogenization in non-linear elasticity", Computational Mechanics, v.40(2) p.281-298, Full Text
- Temizer, İ., Zohdi, T.I. (2005). "Agglomeration and refragmentation in microscale granular flows", International Journal of Fracture, v.131(3) p.L37-L44, Full Text