Bilkent University
Mechanical Engineering Department
With remote magnetic steering capabilities, magnetically actuated robotic system have proven their potential in minimally invasive medical procedures. However, integrating the magnetic actuation system into clinically available medical imaging systems and tracking these robots during operations is still a significant challenge. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners have recently been proposed as magnetic robotic platforms, combining medical imaging and magnetic actuation in a single system. Besides providing ionizing radiation-free, high-quality, three-dimensional soft tissue images, MRI scanners are also human-sized electromagnets. In this talk, I will introduce the basic magnetic actuation concepts and explain how MRI scanners are used as magnetic actuation platforms for wireless capsule robots, guidewires, and catheters. Furthermore, I will introduce MR image-based robot tracking methods and environment sensing methods. Finally, I will conclude the talk with the future directions of MRI-powered medical procedures.
M. Efe Tiryaki received his B.S. degree from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, in 2016 in mechanical engineering and physics and his M.S. degree from ETH Zurich in robotics in 2018. Then, he completed his Ph.D. work on “MRI-powered Magnetic Microrobotics” at Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and ETH Zurich in 2023. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institute. His research focuses on autonomous medical robotic systems in MRI scanners and developing novel magnetic actuation and MR-based robot tracking methods for minimally invasive medical operations.
Location Details
Date: Friday, November 3rd. Time: 10:30.
Dr. Onur Özcan, Mechanical Engineering Department, Bilkent University