Bilkent Üniversitesi
Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü
Self-assembly is a crucial component in the bottom-up fabrication of hierarchical structures and advanced functional materials. However,
its control has been merely achieved via common synthetic chemistry approaches. On the other hand, nature succeeds a mastering control
on self-assembly processes via regulating the reaction-diffusion (RD) conditions. In this talk, I will begin with the concept of touching
molecules by utilizing nano-hands (i.e., atomic force microscopes) to understand the molecular-level interactions, and subsequently focus
on the controlled self-assembly of materials by employing microfluidic tools to mimic the nature’s RD controlled processes. Remarkably,
microfluidic devices allow an advanced spatiotemporal command of reagents; a feature that can strongly affect the outcome of a reaction.
For example, the unique RD conditions present in microfluidic devices can enable to unveil unprecedented pathways during the self-assembly
of materials, yielding new materials’ properties. Additionally, microfluidic devices can be utilized as effective material processing tools
to control 2D/3D shape of functional materials, to pattern their thin films, as well as to achieve regioselective self-assembly for the
localization of multiple functionalities on a single surface. This exquisite bottom-up approach can also be gainfully exploited in the field of
small-scale robotics, as it facilitates tailoring the shape, size, and functionality of materials by mimicking nature’s RD controlled processes
Dr. Semih Sevim was born in ˙Izmir, Turkey (1989). He received both his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Bo˘gazic¸i
University, in 2013 and 2016 respectively. He carried out his undergraduate and graduate research by focusing on the bimolecular
applications of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). His studies were supported by the Turkish
Educational Foundation (TEV) with an undergraduate scholarship (2009-2013), and by The Scientific and Technological Research Council
of Turkey (TUBITAK) with a graduate scholarship (2013-2015). In January 2017, he moved to Switzerland to join Prof. Andrew de
Mello’s group (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH-Z¨urich) as a PhD student. He completed his PhD in 2021 under
the direct supervision of Prof. Josep Puigmart´ı-Luis. His doctoral research mainly focused on the controlled self-assembly of functional
materials by employing microfluidic tools. He participated in several national and international projects funded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (SNSF), European Research Council (ERC) and European Commission (EC). As a result of the above-mentioned
projects as well as other collaborative research, he contributed to more than 20 journal papers published in high impact journals including
Chemical Society Reviews, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Science, JACS, etc. and
two book chapters. During his doctoral studies, he was awarded twice with a COST Action Trainee Grant in 2017 and 2018 by the
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), and he received a Chemistry Travel Award in 2019 from the Swiss Academy of
Sciences and the Swiss Chemical Society. In April 2021, he joined Prof. Bradley Nelson group (Multi-Scale Robotics Lab, ETH-Z¨urich)
as a postdoctoral associate. His current research is on the manipulation and investigation of single cells within controllable microfluidic
environments, and microfluidic-assisted fabrication and characterization of novel soft robots for biomedical applications.
Meeting ID: 355 998 1145. Passcode: 093565
Dr. Onur ¨Ozcan, Mechanical Engineering Department, Bilkent University
View seminar poster for more information: