
Ali Javili


Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü
Bilkent Üniversitesi
06800 Bilkent, Ankara




+90 (312) 290-2897



Ali Javili, İran'ın Tahran Şerif Teknoloji Üniversitesi'nde Makine Mühendisliği okudu ve ardından yüksek lisans çalışmaları için Almanya'ya taşındı. Yüksek Lisansını aldı. 2007 yılında Bochum Üniversitesi'nden Hesaplamalı Mühendislik, ardından Erlangen-Nürnberg Üniversitesi'nde Makine Mühendisliği alanında doktorasını tamamladı. 2013'ten itibaren, Dr. Javili, Erlangen-Nürnberg Üniversitesi'nde malzemelerin manyeto-mekanik modellemesi üzerinde çalıştı ve ardından, taşındı. Doktora sonrası araştırma görevlisi olarak 2015 yılının sonuna kadar Stanford Üniversitesi'nde Malzeme Laboratuvarı Hesaplamalı Mikromekaniği. Bilkent'e katılmadan önce, 2016'dan itibaren TU-Dortmund'daki mekanik enstitüsünde kıdemli bir araştırmacıydı. Şu andaki araştırması, düşük boyutlu enerjilerin ve yüksek dereceli ansatzilerin oynadığı bilgisayarlı çok-fizikli çok-boyutlu karmaşık malzeme davranışını anlama üzerine dönüyor. çok önemli bir rol.

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- Assistant Professor at Bilkent University, Turkey (2016--present)
- Senior Researcher at TU-Dortmund, Germany (2016)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University, USA (2014--2015)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany (2013--2014)


-Dr.-Ing. in Mechanics (with distinction)

-University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany (2012)

-M. Sc. in Computational Engineering (with distinction), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2007)

-B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Tehran , Iran (2003)


Araştırmamın çoğu, süreklilik mekaniği perspektifinden malzemelerin bilgisayarlı simülasyonlarına uygulanır. Geçtiğimiz yıllarda, çok çeşitli yükleme koşullarında ve özellikle iç kararsızlıklar ile zorlu eşleşmiş problemlerde malzeme tepkisini modelleyebilecek kendi verimli sonlu eleman kodumu geliştirdim. Bu oldukça gelişmiş ve son derece esnek sonlu elemanlar kodu teoriyi kolayca incelememe izin veriyor ve karmaşık olayların fiziğini daha iyi anlamak ve açıklamak genellikle çok yararlı oluyor. Özellikle, teorik, matematiksel ve sayısal yönlerden genel olarak düşük boyutlu enerji olarak adlandırılan yüzeyleri, arayüzleri ve eğrileri formüle etmekle ilgileniyorum. Bu teoriler, malzemelerin cevabını, daha küçük ölçeklerde ve özellikle nano ölçekte, alanın hacimce oranının artmasından dolayı modellenirken, giderek daha önemli hale gelmektedir. Düşük boyutlu enerjiler, süreklilik mekaniğindeki ve dolayısıyla genel olarak önemli öneme sahip olan ölçeğin etkisini açıklayan yüksek-gradyanlı teorilerin içsel yapıları olarak görülebilir.

Araştırma ilgi alanlarım:
- İşlemsel süreklilik mekaniği
- Arayüzler ve arayüzler
- Ölçekler arasında dengesizlik analizi
- Nano-mekanik
- Kırılma mekaniği
- Yüzey esnekliği teorisi
- Çok ölçekli formülasyon ve homojenleştirme
- Çok Fizikli
- Biyo-mekanik
- Akıllı malzemeler
- Metamalzemeler
- Peridinamik
- Uygulamalı matematik


    Journal Paper
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2019). "Designing tunable composites with general interfaces",  International Journal of Solids and Structure, v.171 p.181-188, DOI:
  • Firooz, S., Javili, A. (2019). "Understanding the role of general interfaces in the overall behavior of particulate composites and size effects", Computational Materials Science, v.162 p.245-254, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Meraghni, F. (2019). "Micromechanical method for effective piezoelectric properties and electromechanical fields in multi-coated long fiber composites", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.159 p.21-39, DOI:
  • Valizadeh, I., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Growth-induced instabilities of an elastic film on a viscoelastic substrate: Analytical solution and computational approach via eigenvalue analysis", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v.13(4) p.571-585, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Surface plasticity: theory and computation", Computational Mechanics, v.62 p.617-634, DOI:
  • Javili, A. (2018). "Variational formulation of general imperfect interfaces for finite deformation elasticity", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.23 p.1303-1322, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Ottosen, N., Ristinmaa, M., Mosler, J. (2018). "Aspects of interface elasticity theory", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.23(7) p.1004-1024, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2018). "Bounds on size-dependent behaviour of composites", Philosophical Magazine, v.98 p.437-463, DOI:
  • Zabihyana, R., Mergheim, J., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2018). "Aspects of computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics: boundary conditions, RVE size and microstructure composition", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.130-131 p.105--121, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2017). "Highly-conductive energetic coherent interfaces subject to in-plane degradation", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.22(8) p.1696-1716, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Javili, A. (2017). "Generalized interfacial energy and size effects in composites", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.106 p.257-282, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2017). "Non-coherent energetic interfaces accounting for degradation", Computational Mechanics, v.59 p.361-383, DOI:
  • Dortdivanlioglu, B., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2017). "Computational aspects of morphological instabilities using isogeometric analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.316 p.261-279, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2017). "Coupled thermally general imperfect and mechanically coherent energetic interfaces subject to in-plane degradation", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v.12 p.289-312, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Saeb, S., Steinmann, P. (2017). "Aspects of implementing constant traction boundary conditions in computational homogenization via semi-Dirichlet boundary conditions", Computational Mechanics, v.59 p.21-35, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Mosler, J. (2017). "Micro-to-macro transition accounting for general imperfect interfaces", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.317 p.274-317, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2016). "Coherent energetic interfaces accounting for in-plane degradation", International Journal of Fracture, v.202 p.135-165, DOI:
  • Saeb, S., Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2016). "Aspects of computational homogenization at finite deformations. A unifying review from Reuss' to Voigt's bound", Applied Mechanics Reviews, v.68 p.050801, DOI:
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Weickenmeier, J., Kuhl, E., Linder, C. (2016). "Tri-layer wrinkling as a mechanism for anchoring center initiation in the developing cerebellum", Soft Matter, v.12 p.5613, DOI:
  • Esmaeili, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2016). "A thermo-mechanical cohesive zone model accounting for mechanically energetic Kapitza interfaces", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.92-93 p.29-44, DOI:
  • Eskandari, M., Javili, A., Kuhl, E. (2016). "Elastosis during airway wall remodeling explains multiple co-existing instability patterns", Journal of Theoretical Biology, v.403 p.209-218, DOI:
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2016). "An algorithmic approach to multi-layer wrinkling", Extreme Mechanics Letters, v.7 p.10-17, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Gottschalk, D., Reddy, B., Wriggers, P., Javili, A. (2016). "Computational and theoretical aspects of a grain-boundary model at finite deformations", Technische Mechanik, v.36 p.92-109
  • Lejeune, E., Javili, A., Linder, C. (2016). "Understanding geometric instabilities in thin films via a multi-layer model", Soft Matter, v.12 p.806, DOI:
  • Gottschalk, D., McBride, A., Reddy, B., Javili, A., Wriggers, P., Hirschberger, C. (2016). "Computational and theoretical aspects of a grain-boundary model that accounts for grain misorientation and grain-boundary orientation", Computational Materials Science, v.111 p.443-459, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Interface properties influence the effective dielectric constant of composites", Philosophical Magazine, v.95 p.3402-3412, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Chatzigeorgiou, G., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Linder, C. (2015). "Computational homogenization of nano-materials accounting for size effects via surface elasticity", GAMM Mitteilungen, v.38 p.285-312, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Multiscale modelling for composites with energetic interfaces at the micro- or nanoscale", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.20 p.1130-1145, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Dortdivanlioglu, B., Kuhl, E., Linder, C. (2015). "Computational aspects of growth-induced instabilities through eigenvalue analysis", Computational Mechanics, v.56 p.405-420, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2015). "Surface magneto-elasticity theory", Archives of Applied Mechanics, v.85 p.1265-1288, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Reddy, B. (2014). "A unified computational framework for bulk and surface elasticity theory: A curvilinear-coordinate-based finite element methodology", Computational Mechanics, v.54 p.745-762, DOI:
  • Kaessmair, S., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Thermomechanics of solids with general imperfect coherent interfaces", Archives of Applied Mechanics, v.84 p.1409-1426, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Kaessmair, S., Steinmann, P. (2014). "General imperfect interfaces", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.275 p.76-97, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Unified magnetomechanical homogenization framework with application to magnetorheological elastomers", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, v.19 p.194-212, DOI:
  • Chatzigeorgiou, G., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2014). "Surface electrostatics - theory and computations", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, v.470 p.20130628, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Kuhl, E. (2014). "A novel strategy to identify the critical conditions for growth-induced instabilities", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v.29 p.20-32, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.50 p.4197-4216, DOI:
  • Javili, A., dell'Isola, F., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Geometrically nonlinear higher-gradient elasticity with energetic boundaries", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.61 p.2381-2401, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Mergheim, J., Steinmann, P., Schmidt, U. (2013). "Micro-to-macro transitions for continua with surface structure at the microscale", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.50 p.2561-2572, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Thermomechanics of solids with lower-dimensional energetics: A unifying review. On the Importance of surface, interface and curve structures at the nanoscale", Applied Mechanics Reviews, v.65 p.010802, DOI:
  • Davydov, D., Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "On molecular static and surface-enhanced continuum modeling of nano-structures", Computational Material Science, v.69 p.510-519, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2013). "Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with highly conductive energetic interfaces", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v.93 p.551-574, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P. (2012). "Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with mechanically energetic (generalised) Kapitza interfaces", Computational Material Science, v.65 p.542-551, DOI:
  • Javili, A., McBride, A., Steinmann, P., Reddy, B. (2012). "Relationships between the admissible range of surface material parameters and stability of linearly elastic bodies", Philosophical Magazine, v.92 p.3540-3563, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Mergheim, J., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Bargmann, S. (2012). "Micro-to-macro transitions for heterogeneous material layers accounting for in-plane stretch", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.60 p.1221-1239, DOI:
  • Steinmann, P., McBride, A., Bargmann, S., Javili, A. (2012). "A deformational and configurational framework for geometrically nonlinear continuum thermomechanics coupled to diffusion", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v.47 p.215-227, DOI:
  • McBride, A., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., Bargmann, S. (2011). "Geometrically nonlinear continuum thermomechanics with surface energies coupled to diffusion", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v.59 p.2116-2133, DOI:
  • Javili, A., and Steinmann, P. (2011). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part III: The thermomechanical case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.200 p.1963-1977, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2010). "On thermomechanical solids with boundary structures", International Journal of Solids and Structures, v.47 p.3245-3253, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2010). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part II: The three-dimensional case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.199 p.755-765, DOI:
  • Javili, A., Steinmann, P. (2009). "A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. Part I: The two-dimensional case", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v.198 p.2198-2208, DOI:
  • Peters, F., Ruppel, C., Javili, A., Kunkel, T. (2008). "The two-dimensional laminar wall jet. Velocity measurements compared with similarity theory", Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (Engineering Research), v.72 p.19-28, DOI:
  • Davydov, D., Javili, A., Steinmann, P., McBride, A. (2013). "Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics: A comparison of atomistic and surface enhanced continuum approaches at finite temperature", Springer, DOI:
  • Steinmann, P., Javili, A. (2012). "IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures: Computational thermomechanics with boundary structures", Springer, DOI: